Sunday, March 29, 2009

F---It lists

New York magazine ran a funny item about a comedian who's started something called the FuckIt List, a reverse Bucket List where instead of listing all the things you want to do before you die you name the things you're simply not going to bother with. Great idea, kind of like getting rid of all the too-small clothes in your closet that you'll never fit into again and giving away all the books you bought or were given with good intentions but know in your heart you really don't want to read. Clearing out what isn't wanted makes more room for what is.

So for starters I say Fuck It to:
  • Dieting. My eating habits are reasonably healthy, and I exercise. I like to eat. Enough said.
  • Reading Oprah book selections, or anything that anyone says I should read. I'm very good at selecting books for myself. Nobody else is, not even Oprah.
  • Quentin Tarantino movies. Everyone loves Pulp Fiction. I don't.
  • Downhill skiing. Hate to include this, but I finally faced the fact that lack of talent + intense fear + high cost of tickets = something I can do without. I did enjoy the little bit of it I've done. And I've cherished a fantasy of getting really good at it, but it's not gonna happen.
  • Competitive people. Take your one-upsmanship elsewhere.

That's it for now. I do plan to add more.

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