Monday, May 25, 2009

Happiness quote

"At some point in your life you learned to beat down joy."

– Mark Obmascik, author of Halfway to Heaven: My White-Knuckled
– and Knuckleheaded – Quest for the Rocky Mountain High

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Biked in Idaho

Another new thing on another bad-weather day.

I went for a bike ride in Idaho this morning with my friend Al, pictured here. At least one of us knows how to dress for cycling in rain and cold.

We started in Driggs, headed west and then south, turned in Victor and came back. About 22 miles in all.

Can't believe I've waited this long to do this.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rode Grand Teton National Park bike path

The bike path in Grand Teton National Park, an 8-mile stretch between Moose and South Jenny Lake, officially opened today. Just for bragging rights, I made a point of riding it on the first day. It's great.

Unfortunately, I didn't go in the morning when the weather was gorgeous, but instead waited until 5:15 p.m. There were no crowds to contend with as there probably were earlier in the day, but it had clouded over, so the scenery was a notch below spectacular.

The Thing on the King

It looks like a wierd take on Stonehenge, but it's actually a "Snowtorium."

The Center of Wonder molded it out of snow on Snow King and plans to use it to for exhibitions and to play "soundscapes" from around Jackson Hole.

This morning I hiked part way up the mountain and went inside the structure. Very cool.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


"We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet: and, amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us."

- Maurice Maeterlinck

Monday, May 18, 2009

Set your thermostat

"Set the thermostat of your life at the temperature that suits you best, and let those around you dress in layers."

- Claudia Trupp, criminal defense attorney and author of Hard Time & Nursery Rhymes: A Mother's Tales of Law and Disorder

Mountain biked in Jackson Hole

Fifteen years ago, I took a mountain-biking lesson in Durango, Colo., but as I was living in Chicago at the time, I never pursued the sport.

Embarassing to say, I haven't mountain biked during the 10 years I've been in Jackson Hole, though it's a hugely popular sport here and the conditions are perfect for it.

Saturday I did actually do some mountain biking. A friend and I started along the elk refuge road and continued along Flat Creek Road into the hills.

It was a beautiful ride, but I'd better implement some kind of weight training program and build up my strength. Also, note to self: Apply sunscreen to arms and legs as well as face.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Planted lettuce

Someday these lettuce leaves will sitting on my dinner plate covered with croutons and blue-cheese dressing.

Given the economy and the growing emphasis on eating locally grown foods, my friend Jane and I decided to try growing lettuce. Due to a lack of garden beds, we're trying container gardening.

I've never grown a vegetable before. Perhaps using "starters" is cheating, so I'll also plant seeds.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


River plus tennis ball equals new friends.
This is Stormy (the blond), Jane and Terry's dog, with a lab he'd just met on the Snake River dike.

Big orange bag

One little section of field along Highway 89 was littered with cigarette butts, packing peanuts, car parts, squares of styrofoam, a surgery cap, a dirty diaper, cigarette butts, MacDonald's cups, a skoal can, lots and lots of plastic bags of various sizes, cigarette butts, bottles - soda, beer, water, gatorade - and bottle caps. Oh, and some cigarette butts.

Now it's all bundled into this orange trash bag waiting for someone from public works to pick it up. My contribution to the annual Spring Cleanup here in Jackson Hole.

One man's trash is another man's .....trash.

Democrats doing good

I spent two hours picking up trash with the Teton County Democrats during the annual Spring Cleanup here in Jackson Hole.

The day turned warm and sunny, which made the job more pleasant but also meant I had to take this coat off.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Don't open that envelope

Why is this dog smiling? Because he doesn't know what a 401(k) or IRA is.

I made a point of not looking at any investment portfolio totals in April.

After a quick glance today, I'm doing the same thing in May. Life's too short