Sunday, July 12, 2009

Volunteered at a mountain-bike race

Except for location, these photos have nothing to do with my volunteering at the Cache Creek to Game Creek Mountain Bike Race on June 24, 2009. But I forgot to bring my camera that day, and I was busy enough that taking pictures would have been difficult anyway.

The 11-mile race starts in one canyon (Cache Creek) climbs a divide and descends into another canyon (Game Creek). My race-day responsiblities consisted of setting up tables and a tent, putting out food and water, handing out bananas and visors, admiring the athletic bodies, etc.

Yesterday, my friend Cynthia and I hiked the race route at a leisurely pace. The temperature was perfect, there was just the right amount of sunshine, and thanks to all the rain we had earlier this summer, the wildflowers were out in great variety and beauty. After walking the short, steep, rocky portion of the route that climbs the divide, I have new admiration for the men and women who not only biked the whole trail but did it quickly.

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