Sunday, April 19, 2009

Biked with a baby

At only 4 months old, Desi is already a true Jackson Hole girl, hitting the bike path with me for an after-work ride on a sunny spring day.

It was Desi's mom and chauffeur, Johanna, who did the heavy work, namely keeping her wheels going with this side-cart contraption attached to her bike and a brisk wind hitting head-on.

I'm thinking of buying Desi a beret, a long scarf and aviator sunglasses to wear whenever she rides in this side cart.

1 comment:

Jo on the go said...

And Desi likes biking with you, too! I think she is desperate for some good conversation, judging by the babble we do at home.

LOVE your new bike! Maybe soon you can add "changed my first flat" to the list. Not that I'm wishing a flat tire on you.